Alliansloppet, take part in the world’s greatest rollerski celebration event!
Alliansloppet is the world’s biggest rollerski event gathering around 1300 participants annually. The race is held in Trollhättan – Sweden, a well-known city for its impressive waterfalls. The mythic 16 km loop, to be rollerskied three times, leads the skiers across appealing landscapes.
Alliansloppet gathers the world’s best long-distance skiers and some World Cup athletes eager to measure their strengths during their preparation season. The relatively easy track will also fit perfectly for beginners and amateurs to participate in their first rollerski event. The event was also the very first official seeding rollerski race for Vasaloppet.
Come to Alliansloppet to discover the Scandinavian summer and visit the beautiful Swedish West Coast! Alliansloppet is also part of a 10 days event of intense competitions between Sweden and Norway in 21 different sports.